Apparently, Austin was placed in a foster strangers home four weeks ago, according to his stepfather, as told to him by the CASA worker. She also told him once Austin is there six weeks, the foster strangers can adopt him. Funny, but NH law states a child must be in the foster strangers home six months before any adoption can take place. Not six weeks. But since when does Nashua DCYF follow the law? That would be a cold day in hell! They must really need that 150 grand bad, that Austin will bring in now that they've made him a special needs child, to break the law again so soon when they know Austins story has gone public and they are being watched by everybody.
It seems rather odd that CASA and the homewrecker caseworker would still visit the stepfather and Austins sister, especially after they had the head of the orphange tell Austin this man is not his father and the case is closed. How much pain can my grandson endure?
Austins stepfather was also told Austin will not be able to see his sister ever again, because DCYF wants him to forget he has a sister. What will they do, dope him up even more than they already have? They've already doped him up so much that he doesn't remember his Aunt that he loved so much. The Aunt that used to baby sit him all the time. The Aunt that rocked him to sleep every night. The Aunt that Austin called by name before anyone else when he was a baby. The Aunt that stepped in to protect him from his stepfather and got thrown against the wall while pregnant, which DCYF knows all about, but of course did nothing!
They pick and choose on who they think will make good parents. See, they think their all psychics. They tell the Judge their sure the parent will neglect the child in the future and he goes along with it. They believe they know best who will be the better parent when many of them don't even have kids of their own. They steal kids from single mothers. It doesn't matter if a husband abused his wife in the state of NH. If he gets remarried, he gets the kids. The state of NH is quite bias. They believe it takes two parents to raise a child. If your single, all the more reason to take your children. Even CASA made a remark in the courtroom to DCYF about my granddaughter, who was stolen from her single mother, thinking no-one heard her, but everyone did. I'm sure it was picked up by the speakers in court, but of course it wasn't in the transcript. Her remark:"Isabella has a mommy and a daddy now", meaning the foster strangers. Not quite. Foster strangers will NEVER take the place of a child's REAL parents!
Oh and by the way, it's illegal to separate siblings, but as we all know, DCYF in Nashua is "ABOVE THE LAW", or so we've been told time and time again by their illustrious lying lawyer. The state thinks they need money now? Just wait until all the Federal lawsuits start coming in. Do you think then Governor Lynch will finally put a stop to all this DCYF fraud and the illegal removal of so many children? Is all that Federal funding that important to the state that children should be illegally removed and then illegally adopted? Is that why theres no income tax in this state, because they steal 50% more kids than any of the rest of the states? They don't need the money because the stolen kids bring in so much? If the Governor is smart he will put a stop to all this fraud. But I won't hold my breath! I won't stop fighting either!
It seems rather odd that CASA and the homewrecker caseworker would still visit the stepfather and Austins sister, especially after they had the head of the orphange tell Austin this man is not his father and the case is closed. How much pain can my grandson endure?
Austins stepfather was also told Austin will not be able to see his sister ever again, because DCYF wants him to forget he has a sister. What will they do, dope him up even more than they already have? They've already doped him up so much that he doesn't remember his Aunt that he loved so much. The Aunt that used to baby sit him all the time. The Aunt that rocked him to sleep every night. The Aunt that Austin called by name before anyone else when he was a baby. The Aunt that stepped in to protect him from his stepfather and got thrown against the wall while pregnant, which DCYF knows all about, but of course did nothing!
They pick and choose on who they think will make good parents. See, they think their all psychics. They tell the Judge their sure the parent will neglect the child in the future and he goes along with it. They believe they know best who will be the better parent when many of them don't even have kids of their own. They steal kids from single mothers. It doesn't matter if a husband abused his wife in the state of NH. If he gets remarried, he gets the kids. The state of NH is quite bias. They believe it takes two parents to raise a child. If your single, all the more reason to take your children. Even CASA made a remark in the courtroom to DCYF about my granddaughter, who was stolen from her single mother, thinking no-one heard her, but everyone did. I'm sure it was picked up by the speakers in court, but of course it wasn't in the transcript. Her remark:"Isabella has a mommy and a daddy now", meaning the foster strangers. Not quite. Foster strangers will NEVER take the place of a child's REAL parents!
Oh and by the way, it's illegal to separate siblings, but as we all know, DCYF in Nashua is "ABOVE THE LAW", or so we've been told time and time again by their illustrious lying lawyer. The state thinks they need money now? Just wait until all the Federal lawsuits start coming in. Do you think then Governor Lynch will finally put a stop to all this DCYF fraud and the illegal removal of so many children? Is all that Federal funding that important to the state that children should be illegally removed and then illegally adopted? Is that why theres no income tax in this state, because they steal 50% more kids than any of the rest of the states? They don't need the money because the stolen kids bring in so much? If the Governor is smart he will put a stop to all this fraud. But I won't hold my breath! I won't stop fighting either!
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