Monday, June 30, 2014

Adoption Incentives Bill Faces Markup by Senate Finance

Adoption Incentives Bill Faces Markup by Senate Finance | The Chronicle of Social Change:
Adoption Incentives Could Be Reauthorized by 2014

Heaven Forbid!!!!!!! If it is reauthorized, that just goes to show they're not listening!!!!! Blood Money for our ILLEGALLY Stolen Children!!!

DCFS LA County Social Worker Retires and Comes Out

Listen to Retired Los Angeles County Social Worker, Julian 'Jerry' Dominguez who recently co-authored 'A Culture Of FEAR' referring to the current system called CPS-Child Protective Services, DCFS in Los Angeles County. The system is severely damaged, families and children are being victimized and Jerry is explaining what he has seen during his 18+ years in this 'broken system' and offering suggestions to begin repair.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Justina Pelletier says 'no one should go through' her ordeal

Justina Pelletier says 'no one should go through' her ordeal | Fox News:

Justina Pelletier, the 16-year-old Connecticut girl taken from her parents more than a year ago after two hospitals clashed over her diagnosis, told Fox News’ Mike Huckabee in an emotional interview Saturday that no child should go through the ordeal she went through at the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.

Why Can the State Kidnap Your Child?

MassOutrage | Why Can the State Kidnap Your Child?:
The founders never DREAMED that a state agency would one day come into homes and kidnap children.

DCF is completely in control. Even judges can't rein them in.

Comment: And this isn't just happening in Massachusetts. New Hampshire is no better and neither are any of the rest of the States, Nationwide!

NH Child Abuse Laws Don't Consider Fetuses as Children, So Why are Newborns Being Stolen at Birth For Alleged Abuse?

In NH, Child Abuse Laws Don't Consider Fetuses as Children, Then why are NH mother's being charged with abusing/neglecting their unborn children, recognized only as Fetuses at the time of the alleged abuse/neglect?
Why is NH DCYF and the NH Family Court's getting away with removing the newborns of these Mother's?
In 2005,  the Legislature considered a bill  to make it a crime to harm a fetus, but it didn't pass.  See:   The bill specifically exempted pregnant women from being charged with harming their own unborn child. If they can't be criminally charged, why are they charged with  abuse and neglect, 
when according to The Child Welfare Information Gateway:
Child abuse and neglect are defined by Federal and State laws. At the State level, child abuse and
neglect may be defined in both civil and criminal statutes.
Definitions of Child abuse and Neglect-See:       As in the case above pertaining to Parental substance abuse-
Parental substance abuse is an element of the definition of child abuse or neglect in some States.11 Circumstances that are considered abuse or neglect in some States include:
Prenatal exposure of a child to harm due to the mother’s use of an illegal drug or other substance (14 States and the District of Columbia)12. If you click on the above link and scan down to No. 12, Notice how New Hampshire is NOT one of the States who consider Prenatal substance abuse as Abuse or Neglect.
12 Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, and Wisconsin

Also see: The "Fetal Protection" Wars: Why America Has Made the Wrong Choice in Addressing Maternal Substance Abuse - A Comparative Legal Analysis
So WHY are newborn babies being Stolen from their Mother's, right from the Hospital for alleged prenatal substance abuse and WHY are New Hampshire Family Court Judges allowing this miscarriage of Justice to happen?
Also, pertaining to the NH woman in the above article, she was allowed substance abuse treatment, but her daughter was still never returned to her, while other Mother's are forced out of treatment by the NH Family Court's and DCYF in order to regain custody of their children. They're still not returned, in fact the the little girl in the top article is in the same adoptive home as my granddaughter Isabella. Another Injustice by the State of New Hampshire.
According to SAMSHA guidelines Child Welfare System: May judges, prosecuting attorneys, and others in the child welfare system require parents to end their participation in MAT in order to get their children back or to keep their children?
No. Courts and other government agencies may not single out people in MAT
and require them to stop taking legally prescribed medications. Such a
requirement would be no different than telling an insulin-dependent, diabetic
parent that she may not have her children back unless she stops taking insulin
and addresses her diabetes through nutrition and exercise alone. Courts may,
however, require people in MAT to comply with treatment requirements.
Why is New Hampshire getting away with these abuses? Why won't anyone put an end to these abusive practices?

The Sheeple-Driven Child Welfare System, Brainwashing At It’s Finest Hour: CAPTA, TV, and Me

The Sheeple-Driven Child Welfare System, Brainwashing At It’s Finest Hour: CAPTA, TV, and Me | Child Protective Services-CPS-False Accusations:

Way back in the mid-1970′s I took a class at college called Child, Family, and Community. I was enrolled in the college’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. It was there that I first heard about Child Protective Services.

Court hears of foster mother’s home of horrors: Children allegedly badly neglected

Court hears of foster mother’s home of horrors: Children allegedly badly neglected |

A FOSTER mother of four made her adopted children sleep in broken bunk beds with no sheets, locked one of them in a room with no lights and videotaped them if they were “naughty”.

Friday, June 27, 2014

High Court Voids 35-foot Abortion Clinic Buffer

High Court Voids 35-foot Abortion Clinic Buffer:

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a 35-foot protest-free zone outside abortion clinics in Massachusetts.
The justices were unanimous in ruling that extending a buffer zone 35 feet from clinic entrances violates the First Amendment rights of protesters.

Lawsuit: DSS negligent in assault of 6-year-old

Lawsuit: DSS negligent in assault of 6-year-old - SFGate:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — South Carolina'ssocial services agency failed to protect a 6-year-old girl from a teenage foster child with known behavioral problems who was HIV-positive and admitted to sexually assaulting the girl, according to a lawsuit.


CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES ACCUSED OF DOUBLE STANDARD WHEN IT C - Houston weather, traffic, news | FOX 26 | MyFoxHouston:

Comment: Not me! I know EXACTLY how deceitful and crooked they are!

The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services | Nancy Schaefer

The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services | Nancy Schaefer - Kidjacked:

From the legislative desk of Senator Nancy Schaefer 50th District of Georgia
My introduction into child protective service cases was due to a grandmother in an adjoining state who called me with her tragic story. Her two granddaughters had been taken from her daughter who lived in my district. Her daughter was told wrongly that if she wanted to see her children again she should sign a paper and give up her children. Frightened and young, the daughter did. I have since discovered that parents are often threatened into cooperation of permanent separation of their children.

Human trafficking - American Style: Straight from the Courts to Nations Across the Globe

Human trafficking - American Style: Straight from the Courts to Nations Across the Globe:

Have sexually abused kids become proven assets for the family courts to traffic into sexual slavery in foreign lands? Why do courts give sexually assaulted children to their abusers in 85% of the cases while placing parents who dare to report abuse on monitored visitations with their own children?   Concerned parents want to know.

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Huckabee Set to Interview Justina Pelletier

EXCLUSIVE: Mike Huckabee Set to Interview Justina Pelletier | Fox News Insider:

It was a heartbreaking story that was finally resolved last week after a teenager was taken from her family and placed in Massachusetts state custody amid a bitter dispute over her medical condition. Now 16, Justina Pelletier has been reunited with her family and will speak out in her first TV interview, this Saturday with Mike Huckabee.

S.D. tribes look to establish foster care services on reservations

S.D. tribes look to establish foster care services on reservations:

Five South Dakota tribes have asked the federal government for financial assistance to help operate their own foster care services.
The federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), passed by Congress in 1978, sought to keep American Indian foster children with American Indian families. Yet more than 35 years later, 80 percent of tribal children are still showing up in white foster homes in South Dakota.

20 Random Foster Care facts

20 Random Foster Care facts:

What do you know about foster care?

I was a foster child. I aged out after floating through more than 30 homes. I never got adopted. I saw the system in some pretty bad ways. 

The Perils of Adopting From Foster Care...Adoption Gone Wrong

The Perils of Adopting From Foster Care...Adoption Gone Wrong:

Adopter Beware

So, you want to adopt from foster care. Kudos to you. Adopting from foster care can be a wonderful thing.
It can also be an event that will scar you for the rest of you life.

Sick Teen Releases Facebook Video After Hospital Puts Him In Foster Care, Takes Him Away From Mother

Sick Teen Releases Facebook Video After Hospital Puts Him In Foster Care, Takes Him Away From Mother:

After the hospital took him away from his mother and placed him into foster care, 16-year-old Isaiah Rider videotaped himself expressing his unnerve and confusion as to why he isn’t allowed to see her. The hospital claimed his mother, Michelle Rider, worsened the symptoms of her son, who is diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, a painful condition that causes tumors to grow on his nerves.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Agencies to prevent child abuse take fire for failings

Agencies to prevent child abuse take fire for failings - WFSB 3 Connecticut:

(RNN) - Thousands of American children are trapped in abusive homes and foster homes. State departments devoted to the protection of children in abusive situations, often stretched to the limits of their resources, attempt to see to the well-being of those children.

Langevin Bill to Change Foster Care Financing

Langevin Bill to Change Foster Care Financing | The Chronicle of Social Change:

Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) introduced a bill late last week that would implement a number of the major foster care financing reforms proposed by two influential foundations last year.Chief among them: making all foster youth eligible for federal funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, but limiting federal funds to three years of foster care for each youth.
My Comment: Title IV Federal funding has not been used in the manner it was supposed to be used for many, many years. If the Federal Govt. audited all CPS/DCYF agencies Nationwide and kept auditing them, they would be in for a big surprise. Sooner or later the fraud would be uncovered. Federal mandates that are already in place are not followed. In order for the State to collect federal funding for each child placed in Foster care, the parent must be eligible for TANF, signing up for TANF, or already on TANF. In N.H. DCYF worker’s fill out Title IV funding applications for Mother’s who are not on TANF, not eligible and not signing up for TANF. When the parent refuses to sign on the dotted line, knowing that none of these scenario’s pertain to her situation, the DCYF worker signs it herself. Note to the Federal Govt.: Audit every one of them and save the taxpayer’s some money!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Pelletier family is reunited, and DCF must take stock

Pelletier family is reunited, and DCF must take stock - Editorials - The Boston Globe:

SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD Justina Pelletier returned to her parents’ home on Wednesday, ending an unhappy custody dispute that focused a harsh national spotlight on the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. To the web-driven “Free Justina” movement, the state’s decision to take Pelletier away from her family last year, after a hospital raised concerns that she may have been abused, was a textbook case of an overweening government trampling a family’s rights.

Florida Gov. Scott Signs Late Term Abortion Bill

Florida Gov. Scott Signs Late Term Abortion Bill:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Under a new law, abortions will be illegal in Florida at any point in a woman's pregnancy if her doctor determines that the fetus could survive outside the womb.

Governor Scott Signs Child Abuse And Neglect Legislation

Governor Scott Signs Child Abuse And Neglect Legislation:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Rick Scott announced he has signed Senate Bill 1666 which strengthens laws and increases resources to protect children from abuse and neglect.

Texas Child Protective Services Assessment Ignores Abuses of Power

Texas Child Protective Services Assessment Ignores Abuses of Power:
AUSTIN, Texas—The Child Protective Services (CPS) Division of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) released the second of two reports that were created as part of an “Operational Assessment” conducted by The Stephens Group (TSG), a consulting firm based out of New Hampshire.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Kansas woman arrested after foster kids test positive for marijuana

Kansas woman arrested after foster kids test positive for marijuana:

BUNKER HILL, Kan. -- A Kansas woman is in jail after three of her four foster children tested positive for marijuana.

State child welfare agency seeks custody of more children since Fitchburg boy went missing | Latest News from the Associated Press:

BOSTON (AP) -- The number of children being removed from their homes by the state's child welfare agency has jumped dramatically since a 5-year-old Fitchburg boy whose family was being monitored by the state went missing, but that doesn't mean the agency is doing a better job, child advocates said.

Foster dad sexually abused boy hundreds of times, court hears

Sun News : Foster dad sexually abused boy hundreds of times, court hears:

CALGARY -- Former foster dad of the year Garry Prokopishin sexually abused one boy hundreds of times, court heard Thursday.

St. Johnsbury mom speaks out on DCF connection

St. Johnsbury mom speaks out on DCF connection - Bennington Banner:

ST. JOHNSBURY - The mother of the third toddler with Department for Children and Families connections to die in three months spoke out this week, saying she never harmed her son and she feels unfairly linked to two other cases in which caregivers are suspected of killing their children.

Foster mom suspected of giving drugs to girls

Foster mom suspected of giving drugs to girls:

RUSSELL — A foster parent was arrested Thursday in charges of possession of marijuana and endangering a child, Russell County Sheriff John Fletcher announced.

Tenn. foster child doing well with dad in Nebraska

Tenn. foster child during well with dad in Nebraska - WKRN News 2:

DICKSON, Tenn. -

An emotional high-profile custody battle that has made national headline was back in court Wednesday afternoon.During the status hearing, two attorneys for Sonya McCaul said the 9-year-old is not only doing well in the Nebraska home she now shares with her birth father but that she is an A student and has no desire to return to Tennessee.

Minn. Doctor Charged for Allegedly Choking Foster Child with Plastic Glove - Minn. Doctor Charged for Allegedly Choking Foster Child with Plastic Glove:

A Hubbard County man has been charged with attempted murder of his foster son, according to the Hubbard County Attorney's Office.

Justina Pelletier's Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter

Justina Pelletier's Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter |
The family of Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl at the center of a national parental rights dispute, vows to pursue legal action against the state of Massachusetts for what they say was essentially an abduction of their daughter.

Good, I hope they do sue. If I could have afforded to, I would have sued the Nashua Hospital and the State of NH for stealing my newborn granddaughter Isabella after morphine was found in her system at birth. The morphine that same Hospital gave her mother for 19 hours in labor.

Authorities take action against company run by NY family court judges, attorneys

Authorities take action against company run by NY family court judges, attorneys | Communities Digital News:

NEW YORK, June 17, 2014 — The IRS has revoked the tax exempt status of a New York corporation founded and operated by sitting family court judges and the professionals who appear before them for failure to comply with federal tax laws.

Dickson foster parent arrested for child sex abuse

Dickson foster parent arrested for child sex abuse:

DICKSON, OK -- A Dickson man, who's served as a foster parent for several years, has been arrested for child sexual abuse.

Mormon church drops adoption business

Mormon church drops adoption business | The Salt Lake Tribune:

Fewer and fewer pregnant single women are giving up their babies, church officials say.

Lake Villa children’s home sued over alleged sexual assault

Lake Villa children’s home sued over alleged sexual assault | Voices:

A north suburban Lake Villa children’s home is being sued after a staff member was charged with having sex with a former teenage resident.

Hillary Clinton says illegal immigrant children should be 'reunited with their families'

Hillary Clinton says illegal immigrant children should be 'reunited with their families' | Mail Online:

Hillary Clinton stunned a CNN audience on Tuesday by saying that the US should deport thousands of unaccompanied minors who have flooded the American border

Justina Pelletier heads home after judge ends state custody

Justina Pelletier heads home after judge ends state custody - Metro - The Boston Globe:

Connecticut teenager Justina Pelletier spent 16 months and two birthdays in state custody as the central but largely off-stage player in an explosive drama involving parents’ rights and the controversial new field of medical child abuse. Now she is going home.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Another Factor Said to Sway Judges to Rule for Women’s Rights: A Daughter -

Another Factor Said to Sway Judges to Rule for Women’s Rights: A Daughter -

It turns out that judges with daughters are more likely to vote in favor of women’s rights than ones with only sons. The effect, a new studyfound, is most pronounced among male judges appointed by Republican presidents, like Chief Justice Rehnquist.

Comment: And we must not forget about the Judges  who have no children of their own but are raising their wives children. Those Judges are the ones you really have to watch out for. Mean to the core, they hate everyone!                            

New York man charged with pulling 3 permanent teeth from foster daughter's mouth pleads guilty

New York man charged with pulling 3 permanent teeth from foster daughter's mouth pleads guilty:

GALLUPVILLE, New York — A Schoharie County man charged with using pliers to pull three of his 8-year-old foster daughter's permanent teeth has pleaded guilty to assault.

30 child deaths unreported by DCF

Reports: 30 child deaths unreported by DCF | News - Home:

  TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Department of Children and Families is under fire after at least 30 child death records went unaccounted for.

Changing pot laws prompt child-endangerment review

Changing pot laws prompt child-endangerment review » Evansville Courier & Press:

 — A Colorado man loses custody of his children after getting a medical marijuana card. The daughter of a Michigan couple growing legal medicinal pot is taken by child-protection authorities after an ex-husband says their plants endangered kids.

State asks judge to restore custody to parents of teen after year-and-a-half long medical imprisonment

State asks judge to restore custody to parents of teen after year-and-a-half long medical imprisonment -

It's about time! Now how about the rest of our Stolen children?

The Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) made a dramatic change recently in its 16-month episode involving teenager Justina Pelletier, asking a juvenile court judge if the agency can return the girl to her parents.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Some Unaccompanied Foreign Children Receiving Better Care than US Foster Kids

Some Unaccompanied Foreign Children Receiving Better Care than US Foster Kids:
On June 13, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told reporters in a press conference that the federal government would do what was in the “best interest” of thousands of unaccompanied alien children (UACs) crossing the border into south Texas every week.

Comment: These children are getting services that our own American families don't even get. Reunification Services? Not for American families! Placed with family member's? Again, not for American families! Isn't it way past time our families were afforded the services mandated by the Federal Govt.?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Death records of children who died in Tuam

Death records of children who died in Tuam / Sunday World:

IT'S the list that reveals the full heartbreak of the Tuam mother and baby mass grave scandal.                                                                                 

The Sunday World has obtained the records of the 796 innocents who died and were buried in an unmarked mass grave.

A Special Tribute To Father's Today

Happy Father's Day to ALL Father's today.

Happy Father's Day to ALL Father's today. Without you, where would we be? There wouldn't be any children would there?
Many of you are so blessed to have your children with you today, while many of you aren't so lucky. To those Father's and Grandfather's who are denied  the presence of your children, I feel your pain and sadness. You are still the Father's and Grandfather's of many children out there who also suffer, yearning to be with you on this very special day, as well as year round. Children stolen from you, either by the State and/or parental alienation. Please know that you are not alone and the fight for your children lives on.
One day you WILL be together again and the children will be made aware you never stopped loving them or fighting to be a part of their lives. Hopefully, your children will reach out to you today and make this a special day to remember. Please, enjoy this day and all of the happy memories of the times spent together with your children. And if you hear from them today, all the better.
Happy Father's Day to ALL of you.

And yes, Grampie misses his stolen Grandchildren Austin, Bella and parentally alienated Ally and we will continue fighting for your return for as long as it takes. Father's Day is a very painful day for ALL of us missing our stolen children and grandchildren.
Unhappy Grammy

Thursday, June 12, 2014

New Hampshire's Corrupt Family Courts-Edited

I just recently received an E-mail that led me to write this post. Though I already know just how bad the NH Family Court's are, this e-mail just added more fuel to the fire. I have many questions as to the legality of many of the practices used by the NH Family Court's, but this e-mail really shocked me. Please read on and be amazed!
Is a Divorce legal: when the wedding date is wrong, there is no Social Security number for a spouse, wrong date of birth for the spouse, wrong city of birth AND the Divorce decree is NEVER signed by EITHER of the parties? You wouldn't think this Divorce would be legal would you?
An illegal immigrant (who owns his own business, house and new vehicles), is afforded a free Attorney, but his low income American wife is NOT in a divorce and child custody case?
In the same divorce and custody case, the neglectful Judge states in his decision that the Mother never motioned the Court for visitation of the daughter she and her estranged husband share, yet the Court in the town where the case began court-ordered visitation to the Mother and Grandmother five years earlier. Five year's of non-compliance by the Father and NEVER held in contempt. I guess moving the case to the Court where he now lives was definitely in his favor. Do ALL Family Court's make it a practice of NOT reading Court files? Sham divorce and custody proceeding? You bet it was!
Is it legal for a Judge to place children with Grandparent's and then let a DCYF Lawyer have them removed  two weeks later due to a NO contact order that was written up and signed fifteen minutes before the children were then removed from the Grandparents home, without a warrant by two DCYF workers and four Police Officers? Never a Court Hearing, Nothing!
Is it legal to remove a child on  Hearsay, without any kind of proof showing wrongdoing? In NH it is!
Isn't Slander supposed to be ILLEGAL? Not in NH!
Is it legal for a Family Court Judge to Court order some Medical files in child custody cases, but the ones that really matter he neglect's too? When the parent finally obtain's her Medical Records (that prove Innocence), that were hidden by DCYF's Cohort Hospital and Health Center for six months, is it legal for the Judge to refuse to admit them into evidence?
Is it legal for a Judge to deny the parent the right to fire her Court-appointed Lawyer? The Lawyer who tell's her he has more important client's, the State doesn't pay him enough to work on her case and he didn't fight " because the Court is his Boss". The same Lawyer who refused to subpoena witnesses to testify on her behalf, the Lawyer who asked his client (while in the Courtroom), what to ask the States witnesses and then left out the most important part's, the Lawyer who refused to file for a De-Novo appeal, the Lawyer who refused to have the new evidence admitted, the Lawyer who refused to file all motions requested by the client.
Is it legal for a Judge to court order a Mother OUT of substance abuse treatment? It's ILLEGAL and Discriminatory!
Is it legal for a Judge to court-order a parent into a program that doesn't exist in NH? Of course NOT, but they do it anyway, just to make sure the child is NEVER returned!
How about the Judges who tell the parent's it doesn't matter whether they want the Foster parent's to take their child out of State. That he will rubber stamp it anyway. And he does! The parent's have NO SAY, about ANYTHING!
What about the DCYF worker who contradict's documentation, perjuring herself and the Judges have no clue because they again, don't bother to read the case files or even look over the evidence.
What about the child who is just placed in a Pre-adoptive Foster Home? Is it legal to change his name right after he's placed? Before ANY adoption takes place? Of course this is ILLEGAL, but is just another corrupt practice used by NH Family Court Judges.
How about the practice used by Family Court Judges who know ahead of time that they are terminating the rights of men as Father's to many of the NH children, when in fact they were already made aware that they were given the wrong names by DCYF or it's the same name, wrong person? How many NH children have been ILLEGALLY adopted? I know of three and I'm sure there are many more in NH!
How many Family Court Judges have lied and stated they never received Affidavits of Paternity from the Mother's and then proceeded to grant the illegal adoptions of these children?
How many Biological Father's have been denied the right of paternity testing and the right to challenge the adoption's of their children, in which they were never contacted by DCYF or the Court's in the first place?
How often are children placed with relatives instead of Foster care? Not too often! Many times, DCYF tell's the Court there were no relatives who wanted the child, when in fact many have requested placement. Relatives are even told by DCYF,"Relative placement is not an option, period. The child is going into Foster care". Many good  relatives slandered and abused by DCYF, just because Foster care pays more!
What about the Family Court Judge who terminates a parents rights after writing in his decision numerous lies and never using the proof or testimony given in Court in the decision?
And then we have the NH Supreme Court, who on appeal deny the Judge in the lower Court made any error's. Wouldn't it be nice if they made a practice of reading the Court files? This is a BIG problem in NH. Nobody bother's to read the files!
As told to me by a former DCYF worker, "NOBODY get's their kids back in NH and the NH Supreme Court NEVER Reverses a Termination of Parental Rights." And last but not least she stated: "DCYF does whatever it want's because our Government gave them the power to do so".
In NH, the Family Court Judges let DCYF (CPS) pull their string's. Whatever DCYF say's goes. Told by both a DCYF Lawyer and a caseworker,"The Judge has no say. It's all up to me if you get your child back".

In NH Family Court's there is NO DUE Process, No facing your Accuser, perjury run's rampant, the parent is denied the right to speak AND the Judges make up their own Rules!
It's high time to take away Family Court Judges Power as well as DCYF!

Unhappy Grammy

Parents investigated by child protective services after giving birth at home

Parents investigated by child protective services after giving birth at home | Police State USA:

Natural birthing parents say they were harassed and forced to prove that the baby was put under government-approved medical supervision.
PHILADELPHIA, PA — A woman says that after delivering her baby naturally at home, she received multiple visits from social workers to her home requiring her to prove that her baby was healthy and under government-approved medical supervision.

Congress Asks Why Foster Children Take More Mental Health Meds Than Other Kids

Congress Asks Why Foster Children Take More Mental Health Meds Than Other Kids | TakePart:

Advocates say pills are being prescribed to kids in the system too often.

Foster children are medicated with psychotropic drugs at a rate much higher than are other kids, and lawmakers want to know what's to blame: more mental health needs or a problem of overmedication, as advocates and former foster kids have alleged.

New treatments help babies born dependent to drugs

New treatments help babies born dependent to drugs | Special Reports - WMUR Home:

Doctors focus on treatment, education instead of shame

KEENE, N.H. —Doctors in New Hampshire say a growing number of drug-dependent babies are being born, but new treatment methods are giving such children a chance at a healthy life.

My commentThis article and video fails to mention the Mother's who in fact go into treatment when they find out they're pregnant. Methadone also causes a baby to suffer from NAS. Morphine given to the Mother in labor also causes NAS. So even when a Mother in NH goes for help, she's still treated like the scum of the earth and her newborn is taken by the State, where NH DCYF doesn't even do a REAL investigation or are even made aware the Mother was given morphine for a much needed C-Section that was never given. Or the Hospital doesn't bother to test the newborn for the Methadone the Mother was treated with her whole pregnancy.These Mother's fight for their newborn's, only to have them taken away. The Mother's who are in treatment, but who are ILLEGALLY Court ordered OUT of treatment, just to make sure relapse is inevitable.  Or the Mother's who are Court-ordered into a program that is non-existent in the State of NH, making it that much easier to make sure the child is never returned.
Other circumstances besides being low income make a female turn to drug's. Many have been molested and raped as children, but are too ashamed to go for help. When they finally do go for help, their inner most thoughts are released to a Courtroom full of vultures. There is NO HIPPA protection for new Mother's fighting the State for the chance to raise their children. These Mother's were never given the chance for a new life, raising their much wanted, much loved newborns and neither were their relatives. I would much rather see a Mother in treatment and taking care of her child, than taking the child away from a Mother who cared enough to go for help.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Attorney: State has filed motion that would release Justina Pelletier to her parents

Attorney: State has filed motion that would release Justina Pelletier to her parents - Metro - The Boston Globe:

The state Department of Children and Families has made a dramatic change in the 16-month saga involving Connecticut teenager Justina Pelletier, asking a juvenile court judge to return the girl to her parents’ custody.

Massachusetts child welfare officials ask judge to return Connecticut teen to her parents

Massachusetts child welfare officials ask judge to return Connecticut teen to her parents:

BOSTON — Massachusetts child welfare officials have asked a judge to return a teenage girl from Connecticut at the center of a custody dispute based on conflicting medical diagnoses to her parents.

Foster Failure Foster's Tragedy

Caseload leads to tragedy in foster system - San Antonio Express-News:

SAN ANTONIO — If anything, foster care is the one place where vulnerable, at-risk kids should be safe.

But guess what, it's NOT!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Family of baby who died days after birth question hospital's decision not to carry out emergency C-section, inquest hears

Family of baby who died days after birth question hospital's decision not to carry out emergency C-section, inquest hears -

The family of a baby who was born with a life-threatening condition questioned why she was not delivered by emergency Caesarean-section on the day the illness was discovered, at Dublin Coroner’s Court.

Wrongful-death suit filed against DSS, foster parent in Charleston infant's death

Wrongful-death suit filed against DSS, foster parent in Charleston infant's death - Post and Courier:

By all accounts, the birth of Aiden Dean Clark was nothing short of miraculous. His mother, wheelchair-bound from spina bifida, had miscarried three times before Aiden was born July 7, 2011.The hopeful beginnings of new life in the family came to an abrupt end less than two weeks later after state social workers removed him from his parents' Charleston home.

Peoria couple accused of abusing adopted daughters

Peoria couple accused of abusing adopted daughters - Your West Valley News: Peoria:

PEORIA, Ariz. - A Peoria couple is facing charges of child abuse for alleged punishments inflicted upon two of their four adopted children.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

False abuse allegation posted on Facebook investigated

False abuse allegation posted on Facebook investigated:

MANCHESTER, Ohio | A scuffle and a lost cell phone led to more investigations after allegations of child abuse were posted on social networking sites this week.

ADOPTED-Alleged abuse victim liked to 'concentration camp survivor'

Alleged abuse victim liked to 'concentration camp survivor' - WNEM TV 5:
A Peoria couple face felony child abuse charges after two of their adoptive daughters outlined a pattern of ongoing physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their parents that began five years ago as an attempt, the mother said, to "train" the girls to be "loving and nurturing."

Friday, June 6, 2014

Removed-Foster care

R.I. tightens procedures for prescribing psychotropic drugs for children in foster care

R.I. tightens procedures for prescribing psychotropic drugs for children in foster care | Breaking News | | The Providence Journal:

PROVIDENCE, R.I.— Rhode Island’s child welfare agency has brought in a psychiatrist to oversee the prescribing of psychotropic medications for youths in its care in the wake of growing nationwide concerns about the overreliance on these medications for foster children.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Panelists talk with Maine tribes about trauma of foster care, separation from families

Panelists talk with Maine tribes about trauma of foster care, separation from families

BAR HARBOR, Maine — The organizers of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission hope the work they have done uncovering the stories of tribal members who were involved with the child welfare system will inspire other states to tackle such an undertaking.

Father of girl at center of adoption controversy sues former foster parents, 15 others for defamation

Father of girl at center of adoption controversy sues former foster parents, 15 others for defamation:

The father of the young girl at the center of an interstate custody battle has filed a lawsuit against the child’s former foster parents and 15 other people seeking unspecified damages for defamation of character. 

Foster mom of victim in triple murder had concerns about suspect

Foster mom of victim in triple murder had concerns about suspect:

The foster mother of one of the victims from the recent triple murder in Lakeland is speaking out about her concerns about David Smith, the man who committed the murders and then killed himself.

Foster mom accused of raping kids to stand trial

Foster mom accused of raping kids to stand trial:

A former Hamilton County foster mother accused of raping children in her care was found competent to stand trial Tuesday.

Former foster child sues Alberta government for $2.4 million

Former foster child sues Alberta government for $2.4 million:

EDMONTON - A former foster child is suing the Alberta government for $2.4 million and claims they failed to provide her with promised therapy and hid her past history of sexual abuse from her adoptive family.

Florida officials take custody of child protection worker's kids

Florida officials take custody of child protection worker's kids - Yahoo News:

ORLANDO Fla. (Reuters) - Florida child protection investigators took custody of six children from one of their co-workers whose house was raided by narcotics agents, authorities reported.

Daughter abused by her adoptive mother Eunice Spry tells of fears over release

Daughter abused by her adoptive mother Eunice Spry tells of fears over release | Mail Online:

'She forced a stick down my throat and made me eat my own vomit': Daughter abused by adoptive mother for 20 years tells of torture and fears over her imminent release from prison

Prosecutor: Ohio man conspired with teen foster child in wife's slaying

Prosecutor: Ohio man conspired with teen foster child in wife's slaying | Local News - WLKY Home:

PAINESVILLE, Ohio —A prosecutor tells a jury that a northeast Ohio man started an affair with his teenage foster daughter and then conspired with the girl to kill his wife.

Vermont dcf Public hearings begin Tuesday

Vermont dcf hearing begin:

Vermont ranks last among the 50 states regarding how well it responds to allegations of child mistreatment, according to a 2012 study conducted by the federal Health and Human Services Department.

Former foster parent charged with raping children ruled competent to stand trial

Barbara Brooks: Former foster parent charged with raping children ruled competent to stand trial - Story:

CINCINNATI --  Barbara Brooks, a 63-year-old former Hamilton County foster parent, pleaded not guilty in June 2012 to charges of sexually assaulting four different children she babysat between January 2000 and Feb. 27, 2007.

Florida child protective investigator charged with child neglect

Florida child protective investigator charged with child neglect | Mail Online:

  • Child protective investigator charged with child neglect after her six children are found living in squalor among roaches, trash and 26 marijuana plants

  • DCF worker faces child neglect, drug charges, Osecola cops say

    DCF worker faces child neglect, drug charges, Osecola cops say | News - Home:

    KISSIMMEE, Fla. -

    A Department of Children and Families worker has been arrested on drug charges and child neglect after deputies say they found her home in "deplorable" condition.

    Cyrus Patten: Vermont kids deserve better

    Cyrus Patten: Vermont kids deserve better - VTDigger:

    Two children died recently. There is no escaping the conclusion that they were failed by the system. Yet we’ve been told our system has not failed.

    Social worker who wanted "violent" teen mum to keep child suspended for a year

    Social worker who wanted "violent" teen mum to keep child suspended for a year (From Basildon Recorder):

    A FORMER council social worker who enabled a “violent” teenage mother to keep her “at risk” child has been banned from working in his profession for a year.